
Hi! My name’s Elina, and some people like to call me Lina. I wear many hats: for instance, here’s me in a graduation hat. And also me as a five-year-old. Now that you’ve witnessed photographic evidence of some important periods of my life, I can get real with you.

I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, to a Russian mother and a Syrian father, and I lived in many places. I’m a curious person who likes to travel, pick up new hobbies, and learn new skills or random facts about space. I also love dogs. Like a lot.

My educational and professional backgrounds are in the spheres of Communication, Publishing, Marketing, and Publicity. Please, make yourself at home on this website: check out my work, read my poetry (and buy my book!), or read on about what I do for fun. I look forward to connecting with you!