Hi there!

I’m Elina Katrin, and I like words.

Pumpkins—not so much, but here I am holding one.


Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Orange Umbrella Recruitment

Known as “Refruitment” at Orange Umbrella, this process is essential to the success of our consultancy. Each semester, OU launches a campaign with a specific…

Galt Dermatology

Galt Dermatology is a privately-owned health practice that provides a direct care model of services to patients.Objectives:— Generate awareness of Galt Dermatology’s business model and…

Sandler Center

The Sandler Center is a comprehensive prevention, intervention, education, and referral program focusing on alcohol and other drug use, misuse, and dependency at the University…

Orange Umbrella Branding

I created in-house content for Orange Umbrella, including a bi-weekly newsletter, The Squeeze, and engaging blog posts that ranged in subject matter from OU’s events…

The Miami Hurricane

As a news editor and a senior reporter for The Miami Hurricane, I wrote and polished articles for the News and Arts and Entertainment sections…


MIREMS is a company that provides monitoring, research, and analysis of multilingual media sources from ethnic communities to clients worldwide. Aside from being their Russian…

Innovate Miami

Once a year, Innovate Miami publishes a 300+ page high-end yearbook, featuring companies and organizations that boost Miami’s innovation.

Promotional Flyers & Event Posters

As a copywriter, I had to produce many one-off projects, such as event posters, flyers, and mailers. You know how it goes: you brainstorm hundreds…

Design Projects

Yep, I also know my way around Adobe’s Creative Cloud. I know, I know, you’re probably asking yourself, “What can’t this girl do?” Wear anything…